Can I Use My Mobility Scooter During Lockdown?

May 13, 2023Dian Templeton0 comments

The world is facing a massive crisis the likes of which
we haven’t experienced in a century, and this is a confusing and frightening
time for all. With the isolation rules changing often, it can be frustrating
ensuring that you have the right information.

So you might be wondering whether there’s a point in using a mobility scooter when everybody is staying home and practicing social distancing. The good news is that you can use your mobility scooter during the lockdown.

There’s a few good reasons why your scooter is definitely still of use to you in this time. Firstly, we can leave the house for essential things, so long as we practice social distancing.

So What are the Current Laws on Isolation?

Currently, there are laws in place regarding home confinement, movement and gatherings. These restrictions, while heavy, do not mean that you must stay inside the entire time.

You are able to leave your house under certain conditions. These conditions are:

  • Accessing or obtaining essential goods and
  • Healthcare and medical treatment (although many
    doctors are now offering phone appointments)
  • Work
  • To visit another person’s house. Only a maximum of
    two people may visit another person’s house.
  • Visiting a terminally ill relative
  • Attending a funeral
  • Assisting, caring for or offering support to relatives
    or close friends
  • Attending court
  • School, university or childcare. This is only if
    these things cannot be accessed from home.
  • Assisting police in an investigation
  • Both formal and informal shared custody arrangements
  • To avoid illness, injury or harm
  • As directed by a government agency
  • To go for your daily recommended exercise

So What Does this Mean for You?

If you are trying to avoid going anywhere where you might be exposed, that doesn’t mean you have to stay inside. You can still go for a scooter ride as it applies the same as those going out for their walks, as mobility scooter and electric wheelchair users are considered pedestrians . It is considered the same as your daily recommended exercise. So long as you are adhering to correct social distancing measures, of course!

People aged over 70, or 60 with underlying health issues, and First Nations people over 50 are encouraged to stay home.

Being Outdoors Helps with Immune System and Mental Health

As you can see in this blog we posted earlier, going outdoors can be beneficial for your health. It will also help to lower your stress levels and help with that cabin fever! This is a hard time for everybody. Being confined to our homes for much of the time is having an effect on everybody, so going for a little ride can help immensely with that. Especially if you need to take your dog out!

We hope we have addressed any concerns you may have using your mobility scooter during the lockdown. Below are some useful links with information from the Government about current restrictions and advice regarding COVID-19:

Disclaimer: This article is not intended for use as a substitute for professional medical or legal advice. The information contained within is current as of the date of posting and is subject to change as the situation develops. Ensure you keep up to date with rules and regulations by visiting your state government website.

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