The tyres of your mobility scooter, are probably the most important parts. If the tyres are damaged or not in good condition, then you won't be able to go anywhere.
Check the tyre pressure daily especially before using your mobility scooter and ensure that the tyres are pumped to the recommended pressure based on factory specifications which you can find in the user manual. Keeping the correct pressure in your tyres is necessary so that the tubing inside the tyres are kept in place, otherwise, if the tubing is not in its proper place it tends to rotate in the wheel and this causes friction which may puncture the tyre, damaging it.
You should also check for wheel alignment. This is for your safety so that you won't get off balance. Wheel bearings are another part which provides for your safety, so ensure that you have ones of good quality and that these are fixed properly on your mobility scooter.
Overall, you should inspect the tyres for general wear and tear to find out if they might need to be replaced. When your tyres are kept in good condition, your motor will also run better and your chance of motor burnout will be reduced.
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